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Roxet Llerena

Hometown: Miami, FL

How long have you lived in Louisville? 2 years, 4 months

Tell us about your family: We are a family of three. My husband (Jesus) and I met in High School and started dating shortly after graduation. In 2018 we decided to leave our hometown and move to Indiana where we both started working for USDA. In 2021 we transferred to Louisville and planted our roots here. In December, 2022 we received our baby boy Luke! Our lives changed forever and we couldn’t be happier. We love spending quality time together, going out to eat, meeting with friends, and visiting our family in Florida.

Current/Previous career: I am currently a stay at home mom. Used to be a Consumer Safety Inspector for USDA.

What did you want to be “when you grow up”? Lawyer

What is the furthest you have been away from home? Las Vegas, NV

What is your favorite thing to do? Dance

What is something about you that someone may not know? My husband and I got married in Las Vegas

What is your favorite local restaurant to eat at? What is your go to order? La Bodeguita de Mima, vaca frita with sweet plantains and Moro, and a mojito to drink!

What is the best thing about living in Louisville? The community, always feeling welcomed.

What is your favorite color? Olive green

What is your favorite song or artist? Stay by Rihanna

What TV shows are you currently watching? Friends on repeat.

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us or what is your pet peeve? I slightly went through an Emo phase in High School.

If someone had to describe you in one word, what would it be and why? Dedicated. Because I like to take pride in what I do.

How did you find FIT4MOM Louisville? A neighbor recommended it.

How has FIT4MOM Louisville changed your life? Tremendously! I look forward to it everyday. The first few months as a new mom was a challenge, I thought I was never going to leave the house and socialize again. From the first class I ever attended I knew FIT4MOM was going to become part of my routine. Not only do I feel productive and proud of myself for working out but there’s no mom guilt since my baby gets to enjoy it as well. When we let our kids play after class and all the moms get together, I find this to be my best therapy. I love the friends I have made. I get up in the mornings excited to attend class!

What was the first class that you attended? What was the last class that you attended? First class was in August, 2023- Stroller Strides at Tom Sawyer, instructed by Hannah Nutt.

What is your favorite workout move or class layout? What workout move or class layout makes you feel strong? I love when we get to sing or read to our kids. I feel the strongest when doing deadlifts with our bands.

  • What is your favorite workout move or class layout? What workout move or class layout makes you feel strong?

    • I love when we get to sing or read to our kids. I feel the strongest when doing deadlifts with our bands.

What was the first class that you attended and/or taught? First class I attended was Stroller Strides at the end of August 2023.

What was the last class that you attended and/or taught? Last class I attended was Stroller Barre last Friday.

What classes do you currently attend and/or teach? I currently attend and teach Stroller Strides and 360. I also am the AM play date captain with Maria!

What is your favorite workout move or class layout? I really enjoy themed classes, both my baby boy and I enjoy them the most.

What workout move or class layout makes you feel strong? Deadlifts and planks make me feel strong!

February questions:

  • Favorite Valentine gift to give or receive?
  • - chocolates! Always
  • Super Bowl - watch it for the game or for the commercials?
  • - definitely the commercials and halftime show.
  • Best appetizer recipe for game day?
  • - sliders: Hawaiian rolls filled with ham, salami, cheese, mayo. Egg wash on top and put in the oven for 20 minutes at 350 degrees.
  • Will the groundhog see his shadow? And who is better at predicting the weather - a furry animal or the meteorologists?
  • - I hope not. With my experience, a furry animal is better at predicting the weather 🤣.