
Jenn Malone

Hometown: Crestwood

How long have you lived in Louisville? I lived in Louisville for all my life until my 30th year when we moved out to Crestwood.

Tell us about your family: I've been married for almost 9 years (May 17th) to my husband Josh. We have two boys, Beau 6 and William 3.

Current/Previous career: I am a former special education teacher. Then stayed at home for 6 years and now I am back to teaching, but at the Pre-Kindergarten level and I LOVE it so so much.

What did you want to be “when you grow up”? First, I wanted to be a Naval Aviator. Then, I wanted to be a neurosurgeon, but switched passions when I nannied for a young boy who was diagnosed with autism. He was the sweetest child and I enjoyed getting to spend time with him.

What is the furthest you have been away from home? When I was 6 we traveled to Hong Kong.

What is your favorite thing to do? I LOVE to camp! We are glampers (aka have a travel trailer camper) and it’s a fun family time. In the summer you can catch us at the lake with our family!

What is something about you that someone may not know? My husband and I met at what we refer to as a Speed School keg party. My sorority sister introduced us. 😊

What is your favorite local restaurant to eat at? Gustavo’s. We’ve been eating there for so long! What is your go to order? The Quesa Birria Tacos.

What is the best thing about living in Louisville? Love the culture of Louisville and just how proud Louisville is to have local restaurants and shops!

What is your favorite color? Red

What is your favorite song or artist? Favorite song of all time is Hotel California. Favorite artist currently is David Morris.

What TV shows are you currently watching? Only Murders in the Building, rewatching Big Bang Theory, and Outdoor Boys with my boys 😊.

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us: I ran the Mini Marathon in my 3rd trimester when I was pregnant with my oldest Beau.

If someone had to describe you in one word, what would it be and why? Loyal. I'm a Leo and I truly believe it describes a lot about me and who I am. I am as loyal as I can be and will drop almost anything to help you out or support you!

How did you find FIT4MOM Louisville? My SIL suggested I find our local Fit4Mom group. Heard about the Norton Commons grand opening. Went. Fell in love and never looked back. Best decision I ever made at 6 weeks postpartum!

How long have you worked for FIT4MOM Louisville? I'm in year 5 for instructing and wouldn't change it for anything. It's a true joy of mine to get to instruct our clients.

How has FIT4MOM Louisville changed your life? It gave me a chance to start a new. When I had my oldest son none of my friends had kids nor were planning to have any anytime soon. I felt lost in motherhood and needed somewhere to go where I felt safe and comfortable and didn't have to leave my baby to do that. I have found some of my absolute best friends and mom group because of Fit4mom. My babies have also found some of their best friends too! It's something I'll be forever grateful for.

What was the first class that you attended and/or taught? The first class I attended was at Norton Commons. The first class I taught was at King Louies for Stroller Strides. What was the last class that you attended and/or taught? The last class I attended was Stroller Strides at Walden! The last class I taught was Tuesday morning Virtual Strength Boost!

What classes do you currently attend and/or teach? I attend mainly virtual classes and Stroller Strides! I currently teach Tuesday morning Strength Boost, Tuesday Night Stroller Strides, Saturday Boost, and Virtual Bodywell!

What is your favorite workout move or class layout? I love Burpees. 😬Any type of burpee let's go! What workout move or class layout makes you feel strong? Supersets are a lot of fun and definitely make me feel strong!

March questions:

  • If you had to decorate a Mardi Gras float, what would be your theme? Bad Moms does Louisiana haha 😂

  • Favorite good luck charm? My cross and Saint Christopher necklace I've had since I was in the second grade.

  • King cake or green beer? King Cake all the way!

  • March is the official first day of spring - what is your favorite season and why? Summertime. I'm a summer baby. Give me the heat, give me water to relax by, and a nice crisp beverage (nonalcoholic or alcoholic).