
Kelly Hendriksen

You might ask this month's member of the month to belt out your favorite tune the next time you see her (just make sure you clap along to the beat). And if she's your valentine, take note that she prefers bubbles over flowers. F4MLou loves that Kelly moved back to Louisville, and that she's a part of our Village!

Hometown: Louisville KY

How long have you lived in Louisville? I lived in Louisville until I went away to college in Texas, and then just moved back with my husband last summer - hard to believe it's been twenty years!

Tell us about your family: My husband, Billy, and I don't have kids, but we are aunt and uncle to three amazing kids - Lucy (11), Charlie (9) and Elizabeth (6) and have a goofy Golden Retriever named Figment. We moved back to Louisville this past summer to be closer to our family who lives in Louisville - my parents, my sister and her husband plus our nieces and nephew!

Current/Previous career: Marketing - Up until this summer, I worked in the restaurant industry for 15+ years, specifically marketing and branding for national restaurant groups like Ruth's Chris Steak House and Mellow Mushroom. Now, I work in alcohol marketing as a Brand Manager for Heaven Hill, which is a super fun job to get to do every day!

What did you want to be “when you grow up”? I wanted to be an Opera Singer! I studied music in college & grad school, and I'm a classically trained singer.

What is the furthest you have been away from home? South Africa, where my husband and I went on our honeymoon. It was a very long 15-hour flight to get there, but it was amazingly beautiful!

What is your favorite thing to do? Cook, make cocktails, and listen to music with family & friends.

What is something about you that someone may not know? I've lived in 6 different states in the past 20 years!

What is your favorite local restaurant to eat at? What is your go to order? This one is hard, because I'm relearning Louisville restaurants. The Pine Room has been one of my favorites since we moved back and I always want to order the artichokes.

What is the best thing about living in Louisville? Being close to my family again! Billy and I have lived in a lot of different cities - Houston, Phoenix, Boston, Orlando & Atlanta - but we've never lived in the same city as one of our families since we went away to college. To get to spend time with our family every day is a new thing for us, and we are loving it!

What is your favorite color? Blue!

What is your favorite song or artist? This is such a hard one to pick - I listen to a lot of different types of music and cannot pick just one type or artist. Billy and I have a tradition of building a playlist each year - starting in January we add new songs to the playlist, so it isn't done until the end of the year. Right now on the playlist, there's Taylor Swift, Fleetwood Mac, and Jack Harlow.

What TV shows are you currently watching? Yellowstone - we are late to the party, but have been watching from the beginning.

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us or what is your pet peeve? When people don't clap on the beat - drives me crazy!

If someone had to describe you in one word, what would it be and why? Positive

How did you find FIT4MOM Louisville? When I started at my new job last summer, one of my co-workers Brittany Wenig, suggested I come to work out with her. I got hooked and now she's become a great friend! :)

How has FIT4MOM Louisville changed your life? Everyone at FIT4MOM has been so welcoming, and for the first time in years, I feel positive and excited about working out. Being a part of a community, and knowing that I have people that I can rely on when I have questions or challenges, need extra support and accountability, or just commiserate over a tough workout, I have confidence that there's an entire group of women there.

What was the first class that you attended? What was the last class that you attended? The first was one of Nicole's Boost classes in Prospect. I don't remember what we did, but I told myself to just keep moving and then I kept coming back. My last class was Susan's Thursday Boost in Prospect - she makes the hour FLY BY, it's so fun.

What is your favorite workout move or class layout? What workout move or class layout makes you feel strong? Favorite class has to be Nicole's chair workout. The move that makes me feel strong is planking with my feet elevated - either on the wall or a chair - super cool!

February questions:

  • Favorite Valentine gift to give or receive? Definitely Champagne - you get to enjoy it even if you give or receive!

  • Super Bowl - watch it for the game or for the commercials? For the half time show!

  • Best appetizer recipe for game day? Nachos, for sure.

  • Will the groundhog see his shadow? And who is better at predicting the weather - a furry animal or the meteorologists? After living in Florida for 5 years, I became WAY too used to year long summer. I'll trust whoever tells me the sun is going to shine!!