
Anupa Harjani

Our Village is comprised of some pretty amazing people, and this month’s featured mama showcases that. Anupa joined Fit4Mom Louisville after moving here in 2021. While she hasn’t been here long, she has stepped into our Village in a big way. You’ll often see her at BOOST, Strength 50, Strides, Run Club…the list goes on! While you may be the furthest you’ve ever been from home, we’re glad you feel right at home with F4MLou.

Hometown: I was born and raised in Willemstad, Curacao (Aruba’s older sibling :)).

Tell us about your family: My husband Will and I met in South Florida and have two kids. Arya is eight and Asher almost two! We lived there up until 2021. We made the move to Louisville to be closer to be husband’s family.

Current/Previous career: Before having my first I worked in the advertising industry in South Florida. After I had my first, I made the tough decision to stay at home with my first. I briefly went back to advertising a few years ago before having my second but am back to being a full time mama (for now).

What was your childhood ambition? I always wanted to become a doctor until I quickly realized out that chemistry & science class were not my strongest suits.

What does motherhood mean to you? Motherhood is a privilege and the greatest gift (despite the tiredness & hello sleepless nights that comes along with being a mom). It’s about being a positive role model to my kids, instilling values and encouraging them to being the best versions of themselves. Motherhood has definitely added more color to my life.

What is the furthest you have been away from home? I’m further away now living in Kentucky.

What is your favorite thing to do as a family? Every Friday we have a family movie night at home and I look forward to hanging out with my crew especially my daughter.

What is something about you that someone may not know? I speak four languages and then some.

What is your favorite healthy and unhealthy food? I could eat scrambled eggs with feta or goat cheese and kale everyday. As for unhealthy foods, I’m sucker for buffalo wings tossed in hot sauce. If they are boneless, that’s a major bonus with a side of ranch.

What is your favorite color? Hunter green

What is your favorite song or artist? This is a tough one because I have a bunch but Michael Buble & Frank Sinatra

What TV shows are you currently watching? My parents are currently visiting so there isn’t much tv available for me between them and the kids but once they leave, I’ll be binging on Yellowstone’s newest season.

Proudest moment: Becoming a mom.

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us: yikes. Well, I love sardines. Hah! When I’m in a pinch for lunch or dinner, I just pop a can and mix it with brown rice or quinoa.

How did you find FIT4MOM? When my daughter turned one, we decided to join a gym with a daycare but she disliked every single moment of being there. One day, I looked up something along the lines of “working out with kids” and came across FIT4MOM. I tried one class and quickly fell in love with it. To this day, I’m still in touch with a lot of the FIT4MOM mamas.

How has FIT4MOM changed your life? I’ve gained a lot of friendships through fit4mom but also learned how to live a healthier lifestyle through joining Body Well as well as staying active.

Favorite exercise: I love me some lunges. I hope I don’t regret saying this. Hah!

Favorite virtual class: I need to up my virtual game.

December questions:

  • Best holiday tradition your family does? Every year before we put our tree up, we pick out one special ornament as a family.

  • Tastiest holiday treat? I’m not into all things sweet but does Evan Williams egg nog with a dash of cinnamon count as a treat?!

  • Favorite holiday movie? Home Alone & Home Alone 2 are A must every holiday. They never get old!

  • Are you hoping for a winter wonderland (lots of snow) or warmer temps? Give me all the warm temps please!

Quick 5 with the kids:

  • How old is mommy? 32 (boo)

  • What is something mom always says to you? Always keep trying, be good and be kind.

  • What is mom really good at? Taking care of people.

  • What is mom's favorite thing to do? Working out and spending time with me.

  • What makes you proud of your mom? That she keeps trying even when she gets something wrong.