Mozier Family.jpeg

Autumn Mozier

This month's featured member is crafty, but not in the April Fool's kind of way. And while she didn't find us through the Big Bang, an Instagram lead her to join in on the fun and we're so thankful she did! Fit4Mom Louisville has shown her the value in pouring into herself, so that she can better pour into others and we appreciate her determined, goal-oriented mindset. Thanks for being a part of our Village Autumn!


  • Louisville, KY

How long have you lived in Louisville?

  • Born and raised! Other than about 2 years, I’ve lived in the Highlands in the same 4 mile radius.

Tell us about your family:

  • I have a twin sister, who lives in LaGrange and a younger brother who lives in Atlanta. My parents are also still in Louisville and live about 3 miles from us. My husband, Chris, and I met at Bellarmine University and have been together 11 years, married 8. We have two boys, Milo (6) and Oscar (5). We also have two furballs, Huck (10) and Otis (7 months).

Current/Previous career:

  • I am a middle school counselor in JCPS, prior to that I was an ECE teacher in middle and high school.

What did you want to be “when you grow up”?

  • From elementary school I knew I wanted to be a teacher. I was so inspired by the teachers who poured into me and I knew I wanted to do the same for students when I grew up.

What is the furthest you have been away from home?

  • The furthest I’ve been from home would be my honeymoon when we went to Florence and Nice.

What is your favorite thing to do?

  • I love to get crafty, get outside with my family or go for a run.

What is something about you that someone may not know?

  • I recently purchased a laser machine and plan to start a business here soon.

What is your favorite local restaurant to eat at? What is your go to order?

  • My favorite local restaurant is Dragon King's Daughter and my go to order is Italian Picnic and Shrimp Tempura.

What is the best thing about living in Louisville?

  • The best thing about living in Louisville is the amazing parks system. Since joining Run Club two years ago, I’ve been able to visit so many great parks around the city that I’m not sure I would have visited otherwise even though I’ve lived here all my life.

What is your favorite color?

  • Orange

What is your favorite song or artist?

  • Bust a Move by Young MC, always puts me in a good mood!

What TV shows are you currently watching?

  • Just started Big Bang Theory for the first time and I’m loving it! It is the laugh I need at the end of a busy day.

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us or what is your pet peeve?

  • Pet peeve, people not being on time.

If someone had to describe you in one word, what would it be and why?

  • Determined, I set goals for myself and work hard to see them through regardless of the obstacles that might come my way.

How did you find FIT4MOM Louisville?

  • I found Fit4Mom through an Instagram ad. I didn’t know anything about Fit4Mom, but decided to take the plunge and sign up for BW unsure of what I would be getting myself into.

How has FIT4MOM Louisville changed your life?

  • Fit4Mom has helped me become the best version of myself. I was not an athlete growing up and spent little time doing physical activity or giving much thought to the food I was putting into my body. Fit4Mom has shown me the importance of taking care of me and pouring into myself so I can better pour into others. I now look forward to my workouts and when I have days/weeks where I slack off, I remind myself how much better I will feel if I get moving and fuel my body properly. I’ve also made some amazing friends, especially running buddies who inspire me. Run Club is a special place and I’m so thankful for the miles I get to share with so many wonderful women!

What was the first class that you attended? What was the last class that you attended?

  • The first class I attended was BW with Carla in January 2021. I still remember that first class with her, throwing up afterwards/ crying to my husband and asking myself what did I sign up for. Turns out it changed me life! The last class I attended was 360 on demand. My work schedule doesn’t allow me time to attend live workouts in the morning, so I enjoy the on-demand options.

What is your favorite workout move or class layout? What workout move or class layout makes you feel strong?

  • My favorite class layout is either tabata or strength AMRAP- love the ability to use weights and move at your own pace. Strength and Core is definitely my favorite, I feel like such a strong mama when I get to use weights.

April questions:

  • Best location for Spring Break?

    • Not going anywhere this year, but if I was I would love to go down to 30A for a relaxing week at the beach.

  • April Fool’s Day - what is the best prank you’ve either played or had played on you?

    • Not really someone who pranks others, but right now my two kids are really into saying they did something, us asking them if they are serious and then them yelling April Fool’s.

  • Favorite spring flower?

    • Hydrangeas

  • F4M class that you’re looking forward to being outside?

    • 360